Autumn pastels

When I was in high school I went through an overly matchy phase where everything I wore had to match my coveted black and baby pink Air Force Ones. So much pink. When I finally grew out of that, I basically boycotted pink as a result of years of overdoing it.  Now so many years later it seems pink has found it's way back into my wardrobe--in more ways than a magenta blazer! 

As soon as the temperature started dropping, I've been drawn to darker tones like maroon, navy and my current obsession, olive.  Surprisingly, pastels are also appearing quite frequently in my fall outfits, especially my old friend baby pink. It's possible I'm in denial about summer being over and the onset of winter. Whether it be a great pairing option with a darker tone or a way to stand out in the sea of darkness, I've embraced autumn pastels.  

I bought this TopShop wrap dress over the summer, and I wore it the first time with nude peep toes.  This dress can go multi-season by swapping accessories and shoes with warmer weather options.  I'm glad this beauty isn't limited to a specific season because the flowy top and defined waist add a new twist to a classic wrap dress.

Outfit breakdown: 

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