Chasing Joy: A New Magenta Blazer Chapter

As the two-year anniversary of Magenta Blazer came and went, I looked back at the last couple of years and came to the realization that I've lost the mission of what I set out to do.  To put it bluntly, it just wasn't fun anymore. I've been thinking a lot about how to put my thoughts into writing and kept coming up short. I've decided to stick to lists, the easiest way to get out all of my thoughts. Let's start with the highlights.

What I love and will continue:

  • I love the original mission: sharing real outfits for real working girls on a real budget who still want to add a unique flavor to their wardrobe.
  • I LOVE hearing from readers!  Whether it's a high school friend who was inspired to try a trend or a complete stranger re-organized their closet based off of one of my blogs, this is what gives me and Magenta Blazer LIFE.  
  • I love pushing my own outfit limits by constantly mixing and remixing items already in my closet.
  • I love leaving my office to take a picture break that doubles as a mental break. This has allowed me to explore the great city I call home.
  • I love my digital closet app.  I've been digitally managing my closet before Magenta Blazer and will continue to as long as the app exists (the day it doesn't, I fear a melt down).

What is lacking in the fun department:

  • Chasing likes and followers.  Guys, I really tried not to care about these metrics, but it's so hard to separate numbers from the content I love.  Admittedly, I took every unfollow personally, which is completely unhealthy.
  • Daily Instagram posts.  I spent so much time trying to keep up with the posts and not enough time writing the outfit tales that I wanted to share.
  • Trying to keep up with the Joneses.  Photo filters, Instagram story trends, Kara sparkles, looping gifs.  The list goes on.  These are all things that kept me scrolling through Instagram for hours at a time and comparing my mighty little community to the most established fashion influencers out there. 
  • Taking pictures of myself. While I hope the pictures improved since my humble beginnings two years ago, I never got comfortable with the act of posing on a crowded street or trying to look effortless.  Furthermore, the photo taking was dictating my schedule, which was frustrating for those around me. 
  • Too much money spent on new clothes.  I'd like to say that every purchase was meaningful and practical, but that would be a lie. While my purchases were always well-intentioned there are definitely items in my closet that I've featured in an Instagram post but never wore again.  This is 100% against the MB mission. 

What I'm changing:

  • I'm going to refocus my mission and my efforts back to the blog. will be my own little safe space to make my own rules and share the style thoughts that occur to me!
  • When an outfit makes me feel really great, I'll take a picture!  Though I strive for it everyday, it doesn't happen everyday, so expect fewer outfit pictures, but know they are the ones a) I really love b) I have something to say about or c) that push my outfit limits. 

Magenta Blazer is my hobby, and I started this because I'm passionate about putting together outfits I feel amazing in.  Instagram followers and likes don't matter.  The moment it starts feeling like work again and my joy is in jeopardy, I'll revisit and pivot to get back to my happy place.  I hope you come along for the ride into this new chapter!  


To ensure you don't miss a single outfit, follow @MagentaBlazer on Instagram and like the Magenta Blazer Facebook page.