Seven Unique Ways to Layer Through Winter

Going outside is hard right now.  The Northeast has been in a deep freeze for several weeks now, and it doesn't look like it's warming up anytime soon.  Freezing temperatures could be seen as an easy excuse to fall into a clothing rut, but I see it as a new challenge to come up with looks that are warm, yet still in line with the MagentaBlazer mantra:  Confidence-inducing outfits that you love using items already in your closet.  In a word, this is layers.  Even your warmest items won't cut it in the frigid temperatures.  Here are seven tips to double up your warm pieces to make it through the deep freeze in style.

1. Wear a turtleneck under a jacket or blazer

Turtlenecks made a surprising resurgence in my closet this year.  The pairing with a jacket gives just enough of a preppy feel without overdoing it.  Have fun playing with different color and pattern combos.

2. Add a sweater top layer to a midi or maxi dress

Heat up your favorite dress by topping it with a sweater.  This addition gives your dress a new identity as a skirt, creating two looks for the price of one!

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3. Layer a patterned button-down under a short-sleeved sweater

Does a short-sleeved sweater even have a season? During the cold months it's not enough and during the warm months it's too heavy.  The perfect fix is adding a layer underneath.  Make it fun by trying bold patterns or colors. 


4. Pair high boots with a midi dress or skirt

The freezing temperatures don't have to mean that you only wear pants.  A pair of knee high boots will give you enough coverage allow for dresses and skirts to be worn straight through the winter months.  

5. Wear a spring/fall jacket as a top layer

Just before it's winter doesn't mean that you need to pack away your warmer weather jackets.  Where them instead as top layers during the chilly months. 


6. Just add fur

Fur is super trendy this year, not to mention warm!  Try a fur scarf or stole as an added layer of warmth and glamour.  Play around with different collar types to see which combinations work for you.


7. Not your mother's sweater + turtleneck combo

If you've got a mock neck sweater in your closet, try pairing it with a turtleneck.  Just let a little bit of the turtleneck peak out but get all the warmth of two layers.  I especially like a good color/pattern pairing on this combo.


Just remember, the days are getting longer and we'll make it to higher temperatures soon.  Meanwhile, before you go shopping for warmth, turn to your closet and pile on the layers until spring.

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