One jumpsuit four ways, all shoppable!

Jumpsuits are one of those items that I never had the courage to wear but admired them from afar.  I’ve tried on at least a dozen over the years, but the fit was always wrong or the cut unflattering.  Alas, I finally found one that works for four different ways!

1:  Working it

Add a blazer for some office sophistication.  A belt helps to both define your figure and add a little bling for a polished look.

Click each item below to shop this look.


2:  Weekend warrior

Create an easy, on-the-go look by layering on lots of your favorite weekend accessories.  

Click each item below to shop this look.

3:  Casual Friday

Fridays are for flats!  Pair your jumpsuit with sneakers and layer a tied up button down to create a casual look with a defined waist.

Click each item below to shop this look.

4:  All about the shoes

Let your most fierce pair of heels steal the show.

Click each item below to shop this look.

My first wear was to the office, so I went with the blazer + belt combo.  I wore the same sandals featured above!  I felt fantastic in this outfit, like I could conquer anything.  Going to the bathroom was another story.  Every time I had to get completely undressed in a public bathroom at work.  That will take some getting used to, but a sacrifice I'm willing to make for an amazing outfit!   


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